Data Storage and Me – What’s Best for my Business? Part 2

Data Storage

In the last article, we took a look at the portable and personal methods for storing data upon devices. This time, we are going to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of externally stored data through servers and the Cloud. So, let’s dig in!

Business/Personal Servers

Personal or business servers are a fantastic and widely used method to combat the accessibility issue presented by locally system and portable drive storage. Putting your work and records onto a server enables any connected PC to access and view the information upon it.

This has a huge number of advantages; simple availability from any associated framework, as expressed above, is one of the more significant bonuses, as it permits groups, directors, and even entire offices to work cooperatively on jobs and view progress markers effortlessly. Likewise, in case of a computer problem (a damaged laptop screen, for instance), then all of the information stored on it isn’t lost or stuck inside the PC, as it is saved to the business server. No one enjoys starting a job again all the way from the beginning!

It’s not all rainbows and kittens though. Servers are perfect for organizations of many different shapes and sizes, however the greater the business, the bigger the server, and following that the greater expense in installation cost and upkeep. Independent companies could pull off a NAS (Network Attached Storage) framework, yet this has restricted capacity. Huge rack-style servers (like you find in films) will require a lot of routine observation, and quite possibly, it’s own room with cooling apparatus in place to ensure that it doesn’t overheat and get damaged.

Servers have a significant drawback that could make them become inaccessible out of the blue: the requirement of an internet connection. However, as long as your connectivity inside the business is working, server access is easy. In any case, when a web or Wi-Fi switch runs into a problem, then getting access to the information on the server becomes a considerable amount more difficult. This can significantly influence organizations that run programming and projects through their servers, as this can potentially make all workflow come to a standstill.

Cloud-Based Solutions

The last technique we will look at for information recording is the Cloud. The phrase gets tossed around a considerable amount and the concept has turned into a fundamental structure of many organizations. While it is seen as a new development in data consolidation, it was really created and used (to a lesser degree) in the 1960’s.

Utilising Cloud storage enables the storage of tremendous amounts of data, information, documents and programming to be stored over the web. The framework contains immense off-site server farms located all over the world, committed to nonstop accessibility and retrieval of data from any location on the planet. While this could appear to be very unreliable contrasted with the aforementioned methods, the security features set up to safeguard information are incredibly secure, including first-in-class firewalls and antivirus software, encryption, and even power and component replacement protocols to protect everything in the event of anything happening to the hardware of the servers.

Also, programming and interface systems can be run directly from a Cloud storage system, enabling departments like finance and IT to get to working on projects without stressing their own computer systems, or having huge amounts of data clogging up their personal hard drives.

Accessing the Cloud and associate programs and data does hold a prerequisite of a strong internet connection, however, the other disadvantages for cloud-based frameworks are extremely negligible, and in most cases are monitored and resolved by the company hosting the servers. It does come with a cost, however the general straightforwardness, ease of use and versatility of the Cloud offsets the expense enormously.

We trust this article has been useful to you and your business in concluding which storage frameworks would be the most fitting for yourself and your organisation!