How to Become a General Contractor

General Contractor

Someone’s building a house? They need a contractor. Does a homeowner want to do a complete house renovation? They’ll hire a general contractor. Wherever there’s something to be built, that’s where you come in.

Whether you’re switching careers or want to become a contractor right after high school, there are a few steps to complete before you can work as a GC. 

Read on to learn how to become a general contractor, what the contractor requirements are, and which courses to take.

Make a Business Plan

The first and most important step to becoming a general contractor is to make a business plan. It doesn’t matter if you want to start your own company, work as a freelance contractor, or work for someone else.

Write down your general contractor job description, business goals, the contractor certification you’ll need to obtain, how you’ll make money, which services you’ll offer, and the clients you want to work with. 

Get the Necessary Education and Licenses

To work as a contractor, you need at least a high school diploma but you can also complete an associate’s degree, a BA, or even a Master’s. Then, contact your state’s contractor licensing board and ask about the process of getting a contractor’s license. Click to read more about licensed general contractor training and which courses fit your vision and mission best.

Build a Website and Social Media Presence

If you want to work independently, you’ll need a website and a social media presence to help potential clients find you. You can create a simple website with your information, the services you offer, and your area of expertise. Don’t forget to add contact information so clients can reach out and book you through your website.

Create profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube and see where you can create content to reach your ideal clients. This is a great marketing technique for reaching a wide audience and putting yourself out there.

Get Your First Job

Now that you have a solid foundation to become a contractor, it’s time to get your first job or project. You can do this by telling everyone you know you’re looking for work and handing out business cards to spread the word.

If your goal is to work for a company, prepare your resume and send out as many as you can. It’s important to keep going and stay focused on your goal without giving up.

Now You Know How To Become a General Contractor and Build a Successful Business

Whether you’ve been a contractor working for others or you’re just starting out, these tips will help you set up your own business and build for success from the very beginning. Now that you know how to become a general contractor, all you need to do is follow your business plan, promote your business, and start booking clients.

Discover more helpful business tips and tricks over on our blog where we post about the latest trends and news to help you build and run a successful and profitable business.