What you Eat Matters – Diet, and Cancer


There is no magic food or seed that prevents illness or disease, as Dr. Melchiore Buscemi has seen in his medical career. However, eating a healthy diet can go a long way in helping the body fend off causes of sickness as well as maintain defenses. Further, sticking with a diet that avoids processed food where possible, tends to be heavy in vegetables and grains, and has a limited amount of red meat will also help avoid the build-up of conditions that have been known in Melchiore’s experience to lead to cancer.

With plenty of peer-reviewed scientific research behind the strategy, from what Melchiore Buscemi has seen himself, plant-based diets continue to be the primary means by which to provide the body the maximum amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and even protein. Even more important, it is these sources that also flush the body with anti-oxidants, the elements of food that help fend off cellular aging which also leads to cellular mutations and potential tumors.

Unlike the extreme trend approaches of ultra-diets, Dr. Melchiore Buscemi notes there is no rule that one has to be entirely vegetarian or entirely protein-based. In fact, a good diet is varied. However, it should at least be two-thirds plant-based versus what is the typical American diet of heavy carbohydrates, meat, salt, additives, and preservatives. By simply eliminating the majority of processed foods, advises Melchiore Buscemi MD, one can get very close to a healthier diet in a day of change. Add in nuts and fruits, and that diet becomes even more powerful with natural components versus factory food.

In particular, Dr. Melchiore Buscemi advises the typical average pattern of eating has far too much red meat in it. Steaks, hamburgers, sausages, and similar are a leading cause of colorectal cancer alone. Ideally, the amount of healthy red meat in a week should be limited to 18 ounces or less. That includes lamb and pork, unlike marketing campaigns that say other meats besides beef are okay. The amount recommended is essentially a smidge more than 1 pound of meat every seven days. Cutting back on those quarter-pounders and whoppers to just one a week and one steak for dinner is, even then, close to being too much. So, it takes some discipline, but the reward is essentially an increased potential for longer life and avoiding digestive system cancer.

Many folks will argue they need meat for protein intake. However, Melchiore Buscemi MD points out, that protein can easily be gained from fish, dairy sources, and legumes, plant-based protein. So, really, eating better is about learning how to include a greater amount of food variety that meets the same needs. Meat also comes processed. Just about every sausage type from hamburger and beef jerky to salami is processed, mixed with preservatives, salt, and similar. These should be limited even further.

Finally, alcohol of all types should be extremely limited. While there is some health value to wine in terms of cardiac health, it’s a very limited amount per day and week. Most alcohol in larger amounts will contribute to a higher chance of all types of cancer, ranging from liver and stomach cancer to colorectal tumors. It’s obviously not good for the liver either, which takes the brunt of filtering the alcohol out of the bloodstream once ingested. Limit alcohol at most to one drink a day maximum.

Dr. Melchiore Buscemi often muses that good diet advice started at home. As many people’s mothers often said, eat your vegetables, lay off the sugar, and stay sober. These folklore rules have truth to them, and medical science is finding that repeatedly in cancer occurrence rates.