Dr.Philip Henkin Discusses How a Craniotomy Is Performed


If you have been told that you require brain surgery, it is normal to have questions. It is important to rely on a trained neurosurgeon, such as Dr.Philip Henkin, who can help you. There are lots of different types of brain surgery, and one of the most common procedures is called a craniotomy. Learn more about this procedure below, and do not hesitate to reach out to a medical professional with any questions or concerns.

What Is a Craniotomy?

A craniotomy is a specific procedure where a portion of the skull will be removed. In some situations, the portion of the skull that is removed will be placed lightly on top of the area to cover that portion of the brain. In other cases, something synthetic might be used to cover that area.

Why Is a Craniotomy Required?

According to Philip Henkin, there are a few reasons why this might be required. It could be required because the neurosurgeon needs to remove an aneurysm that might be present in the brain. Or, the neurosurgeon might be trying to access a tumor that has to be resected. There are even situations where this procedure is performed to reduce intracranial pressure and prevent serious complications from developing.

How Does the Procedure Take Place?

During the procedure, the surgeon will shave the hair over the site of the surgical operation. Then, the area will be sterilized completely to minimize the chances of an infection developing. After this, a neurosurgeon, such as Philip Henkin, will make an incision on the scalp. A medical drill will be used to remove a portion of the skull. Then, the rest of the procedure will move forward. For example, the neurosurgeon may need to remove an aneurysm underneath the surface of the skull. Depending on the course of the operation, the skull flap might be put back in place before it ends.

What is the Recovery Process Like?

Following the recovery process, you will go to a post-anesthesia care unit where you will wake up. There is a chance that you might require some pain medication to reduce soreness. It will probably take you several weeks to make a full recovery. During the recovery process, you will meet with a doctor regularly to make sure there are no complications or side effects developing.

Reach Out to a Trained Doctor for More Help

Ultimately, these are just a few of the most important points you need to keep in mind regarding a craniotomy. You need to work with a neurosurgeon, such as Dr.Philip Henkin, who can make sure you stay safe during the operation. Every doctor will follow all the best practices in the field to minimize the chances of developing complications and side effects. Make sure you have all of your questions answered before the day of the operation. Do not hesitate to reach out to a local doctor or hospital to learn more about this procedure.