Why Banks Oppose Digital Currency So Fiercely?

Digital Currency

The use of crypto-currencies has grown in recent years. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash have been more popular in recent years. The reasons behind this are wide and varied, and many of them deserve their own page.

This is one of the few global institutions that do not accept cryptocurrency for payment. Traditional banking institutions aren’t just interested in the notion of cryptocurrencies; they’re actively working to block them. While cryptocurrency payments may be made online, banks are cautious of the idea since they are distinct from traditional fiat currencies. A common criticism leveled towards cryptocurrencies is that, unlike conventional currencies, they are not decentralized but instead function in an open-source framework.

This example may help explain why Bitcoin is so popular. It would have been worth $20 million now if you had invested $1000 in Bitcoin back in 2010.

Reasons why banks are reluctant to accept cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies work in a decentralized format

Traditionally, the federal government or a centralized body oversees and regulates banks. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are open-source and decentralized. There is no intermediary here to ensure a transaction. Banks fear cryptocurrencies because they will lose control if they replace regular money.

Traditional currencies are slower and less secure than cryptocurrencies. Banks fear losing consumers if more people use cryptocurrency. Banks see cryptocurrencies as threats to economic progress, not enablers.

Lenders can keep track of time and money by confirming Bitcoin transactions. The fact that cryptocurrencies are untraceable makes the lives of bankers considerably more difficult. The architecture of cryptocurrencies makes it impossible to verify money’s origin, making it challenging to identify whether a Bitcoin transaction is legal or not. As a result, financial institutions see cryptocurrencies as high-risk materials. Bankers have a tough time identifying whether money has been generated legally or illegally. This requires a significant investment of time and money, resulting in increased compliance expenses.

There are also other compliance issues to address. For example, when Americans use cryptocurrency, their banking institution must notify the IRS (US IRS). Regulatory bodies in other countries must be advised and kept informed of developments in a similar manner.

New technology

Although intricate, the Bitcoin infrastructure is constructed on top of cutting-edge technical advancements, which makes it even more so. A considerable demotivated and unpleasant experience for bankers who are accustomed to operating with plain old banking systems, the transition to new technologies may be difficult to bear. Now, after so many years, bitcoin investing has made its way towards the world’s most trusted online investment platforms.

The phenomenal growth of the cryptocurrency market also makes bankers oppose it fiercely.

An example will assist you in grasping my point. In February, the Bitcoin market was valued at $470 billion. It is now the country’s largest bank, surpassing JPMorgan Chase. Global financial institutions are worried about the fast growth of the Bitcoin business. They reject cryptocurrencies to slow down the development of the Bitcoin sector. Since January 1, over a hundred banks worldwide have barred clients from using cryptocurrencies to pay using credit cards. The ultimate purpose is to halt the fast expansion of the Bitcoin sector.

Risk to employment

Because cryptocurrencies are driven by solid digital technology, bankers are growing increasingly worried about the possible effect on employment if cryptocurrencies replace Fiat currency. Many bankers are scared that they may lose their work, which would place them in a precarious financial position. As soon as crypto coins join the mainstream banking sector, fiat money and traditional banking systems will become outdated, generating enormous disruptions in the banking market and resulting in job losses for bankers.


Financial institutions are worried about the fast rise of cryptocurrencies. Due to the above issues, there are too many bankers. Bankers are more concerned about cryptocurrency traders and investors. It’s just a matter of time until traditional banks and governments settle. The best part is that some banks have opened themselves to cryptocurrency. Middle Eastern organizations like Kiklabb now accept cryptocurrencies. The Kiklabb free-trade zone opened in 2003. The state-owned firm issues licenses, visas, and trading authorizations to new firms in the free-trade area. Queen Elizabeth 3 is also at Dubai’s Port Rashid. Businesses may hire office space aboard the cruise ship. In February 2021, the Gulf News reported that Kiklabb now accepts Bitcoin.

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