5 Perfect Landscaping Tips for Homeowners

Landscaping Tips

A home’s value can be increased by up to 20% by having a healthy lawn. 

Although many people end up doing nothing with the landscaping at their homes, the real question is: can you afford not to pay attention to your home’s landscaping?

But how do you get that amazing-looking yard? How do you keep your lawn healthy? There are many moving parts and it can get overwhelming.

But don’t worry! In this post, we’ll go over some of the best landscaping tips for beginners.

Keep reading to learn more.

1. Evaluate Current Landscaping

Your first step should be to evaluate the current landscaping. You can’t make plans to move forward without knowing where you’re starting from.

You should take stock of what is already there. Is there anything you want to keep? Is there anything that needs to go because it is unhealthy? You may need a professional to help you evaluate, especially when it comes to determining the health of trees.

During this time you should also pay attention to what areas of your yard get more or less sun or water pooling. 

2. Include A Focal Point

Including a focal point can help to set the tone for your entire yard. After you’ve brainstormed what you want your yard to look and feel like you can decide on what your focal point should be. Consider things such as a gazebo, water feature, or a specific large plant. 

Once you choose your focal point, it can help to guide the design for the rest of the yard.

3. Choose Native Plants

When you’re choosing the plants to include in your landscaping, the best thing you can do is to use plants that are native to your area. Native plants are designed to do well in your specific climate and soil conditions. 

This means they are more likely to thrive which will save you money in the long run when you don’t have to replace them. They are also lower maintenance because they naturally require less watering and fertilizer.

Additionally, they are more environmentally friendly than bringing in exotic plants. They help to prevent erosion, save on water, and attract and feed birds and beneficial insects.

4. Don’t Over-Fertilize

One of the most important lawn care tips is to not over-fertilize. Your natural inclination may be to think that more is better, but that isn’t the case here.

Using too much fertilizer can actually lead to a decline in your grass and plant health. The extra fertilizer can lead to your plants growing bigger than their root systems can support. This will mean fewer flowers and fruits will be produced, and potentially it can lead to the death of your plants.

Additionally, the soluble salts left behind by many fertilizers can actually kill your grass and plants, as well as the microorganisms that live there.

5. Be Patient and Realistic

Most importantly you need to be patient and realistic with your plans for your landscaping. 

Designing and planting your beautiful yard and landscape can take time, and it can take even longer for things to fully grow in and bloom. If you want to help speed up the process by getting help from a professional, there are companies you can work with to help you get a great lawn.

When planning your landscape design you also need to be realistic. Remember that whatever you wind up planting and including in the design will need to be maintained. Be sure you’re willing to take on the time or financial commitment to do that.

Use These Landscaping Tips To Create Your Dream Landscape

Designing and implementing landscaping ideas for your home doesn’t have to be so stressful. Use these landscaping tips to help you create the landscape of your dreams. 

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