Adulting Lessons: Financial Things to Learn in Your 20s, 30s & Beyond

Adulting Lessons

Managing your finances like a pro isn’t common knowledge, even if you’re well into adulthood with a lot of experience paying bills. Luckily, it is a skill you can learn at any stage of life. Here are some financial things you should know — whether you’re a baby boomer or baby-faced high school grad. 

A Budget is Non-Negotiable

Winging it will only get you so far. Eventually, you can trip up by losing track of your expenses and the next thing you know, you’re broke before payday — but with several bills still left to cover.  

Even if this worst-case scenario doesn’t become a reality, living without a budget can stunt your financial growth. A budget helps you plan for future expenses — from everyday expenses to bigger goals like vacations, renovations, or splurge purchases. 

Have a Debt Plan

Let’s face it — if you haven’t borrowed money already, there’s a good chance you’ll need to in the future. Personal loans, mortgages, and lines of credit make it possible to take on the biggest purchases in life, so you can go to school or buy a home. 

There may also come a time when you need a little extra help in an emergency, like when your car breaks down or your water heater stops working unexpectedly. If you’re approved, you can borrow what you need with an emergency installment loan to cover these unexpected issues. 

Shop around to find the best rates and terms and see how your payments fit into the rest of your budget. These two simple tips can help you find the most affordable installment loan or line of credit available to you.

Think About Your Credit Score

How much you wind up paying to borrow money largely depends on your credit score. This three-digit number reflects how responsible you are with borrowed cash, and many lenders use it to determine if they want to lend you money and at what rates. 

While plenty of online direct lenders is willing to provide installment loans for bad credit, you’ll qualify for lower interest rates when you have good credit.

A large part of your credit score comes down to paying things on time and keeping a low balance on your credit cards. However, three more factors impact this number — find out what they are here

Be Wary of No-Credit-Check Lenders

If you have a low score, you might get a faster “yes” out of these lenders, but they tend to offer same-day cash loans online that apply the highest fees and fastest terms. They’re like payday loans on steroids, making them hard to repay what you owe.

Keep this in mind if you face an unexpected emergency before you can improve your score. There are other options available in urgent situations, and you should always think about their rates and terms before accepting. 

Automate Your Savings

With your focus on the here and now, you can accidentally use up the cash you said you’d save on something else. 

Putting your savings on autopilot can help you avoid this mistake. Set it up so that you move your money into savings at the top of each month. This way, you’ll be saving money before you realize you have any to spend. 

Bottom Line

Navigating the financial world on your own can be challenging, but these tips can help you do it with a little more confidence. Start them at any age!

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