How to Manage a Material Data Safety Sheet: A Guide

Material Data Safety Sheet

Did you know there are 340 million workplace accidents that will happen every year?

Using a material safety data sheet will help you and your employees to identify hazardous materials that you’re handling. By identifying the full details on all of the hazards you are working with, it’ll ensure your team works efficiently to prevent these hazards.

So, by properly handling material safety data sheets, you can help to drastically cut down on the number of accidents that happen in your workplace.

But, how did you handle a material Data safety sheet? That’s what we’re here to discuss. Keep reading to learn more!

What Is a Material Safety Data Sheet? 

A material safety data sheet or SDS is a type of document that’s used to identify hazardous materials and help you figure out what the potential hazards are. There’s a lot more information that’s available on a safety data sheet than what you’ll find on the label of the product., so making sure that you have all of the instructions necessary on how to safely handle the hazardous material will drastically cut down on accidents. 

If you want to learn more about safety data sheets, check out sdsonline.

Information Available on a Safety Sheet

On a safety data sheet that’s properly filled out, there are four pieces of fundamental information that are included in the sheet. The safety data sheet will identify what the product is. In the second section, you’ll learn what the hazards are if you don’t properly handle the material.

In addition, you can find in the seventh section on a safety data sheet how to safely work with the material. Lastly, in sections four, section five, and section six, you’ll get information to help you identify what you should do in an emergency. You should only follow the instructions here if there’s ever an instance where the material was mishandled, and there was an accident. 

Should You Have Safety Data Sheets? 

Safety data sheets are required by law. If you don’t currently use safety data sheets, you should implement the practice of doing so immediately. If you don’t have safety data sheets to identify all of the important information needed about hazardous material, it’s illegal for you to have the material in your workplace. 

If you were to get an OSHA inspection and not have safety data sheets available, you would be faced with a fine. 

Understanding How to Use a Material Data Safety Sheet

By understanding how to use a material data safety sheet, you can keep yourself and your employees protected. Plus, you can prevent your company from getting any fines from OSHA for not properly following along with workplace safety procedures. At the end of the day, using data safety sheets is incredibly beneficial to you, your business, and your team.

Are you interested in learning more about how to implement more workplace safety in your company? Check out our blog to learn more.