How to Pick Phone Answering Services: Everything You Need to Know

Phone Answering Services

Are customers struggling to get through to you on the phone? Maybe your employees are spending too much time answering calls when they could be getting on with more profitable tasks? In these scenarios, you could benefit from hiring a phone answering service. 

But, how can you pick phone answering services that meet your requirements? After all, if you choose the wrong firm you could end up paying for a low-quality service that misses important customer phone calls. The good news is you can look for several key traits that set the best phone answering businesses apart from the chasing pack. 

Let’s dive in and learn more about hiring an answering service provider.

Range of Services

It’s vital to consider which types of answering services you require to ensure you select the right service. For example, do you only need a phone answering company to take simple messages or to direct a client to your website? Or, would you prefer an answering company that can book appointments for clients to attend your offices?

You could then use a virtual receptionist to greet your clients, check them in, and notify the relevant employee that their customer is ready for their meeting. This can streamline your processes and improve the client experience when they visit your premises. 

Customer Reviews

You can learn more about answering services by reading online customer reviews. For example, you could find out that a company’s employees are polite and helpful, or that another business’s staff only do the bare minimum. This can be a crucial tool that can help you make a decision about which phone answering service you should hire. 


It can be stressful, harm your reputation, and cost you money if calls from customers go unanswered. Therefore, you need to know a phone answering service will be available even during your busiest hours. You should also ensure your preferred phone answering service security measures are robust and can protect your customers’ data.

It’s a good idea to confirm these details at the start to avoid any disputes further down the line. 


While you won’t want to go over your answering service budget, it’s not always best to choose the cheapest quote either. Ask for quotes from several businesses and compare their lists of services and prices. This process can help you find a phone answering service that is within your budget and offers excellent value for money.

Pick Phone Answering Services That Tick All the Boxes

It doesn’t have to be challenging to pick phone answering services, but it’s vital to know what to look for. It can help to ask about a business’s range of services and to ensure they have an excellent industry reputation. You should also confirm they are reliable and charge a fair market rate. 

You could soon be working with a fantastic phone answering service that improves your business!

For more helpful hints and tips, be sure to check out our Business and Services categories before you go.