Is SEO Important? (The Answer Is Yes!)


Global digital ad spending is going to reach $602 billion, an increase of 15.6% over 2021. Marketers invest funds in content marketing, display ads, and social media.

One marketing tactic that often gets overlooked is search engine optimization. It’s been around for more than 20 years and it’s not as trendy as a viral TikTok video.

Is SEO important? Don’t let trends fool you. If you want to increase traffic and leads, you have to rank higher on Google.

SEO holds the key to unlocking those results.

If you want to increase traffic and get quality leads, keep reading to discover the importance of SEO to your business.

People Still Use Search Engines

Digital marketing changes every week. There’s always one social media network that changed its algorithm or added a new feature.

Despite the changes, search engines drive the vast majority of traffic to websites.

The first few listings get most of the traffic.

You have to make a concerted effort to get your website to rank higher and get more website traffic. That’s what SEO is all about.

You Have a Stronger Online Presence

Google’s algorithm takes dozens of things into account when presenting search results. These factors are about the user experience.

Google knows that if it gives users websites that have a bad user experience, people won’t use the search engine. That means ad revenue drops along with the company’s stock price.

SEO pros divide your online presence into two categories. The on-page SEO includes website performance and content quality.

Off-page SEO focuses on backlinks and directory listings. Get more info about the on-page and off-page factors that determine search results.

When you pay attention to both to rank higher in search results, you’re automatically giving your users a better experience.

SEO Is Cost-Effective

How much does SEO cost? It depends on how you approach it.

You can do everything in-house. That means you need to learn the ins and outs of SEO yourself or hire an SEO employee.

There’s the time to do keyword research, produce content, and publish it regularly.

Don’t underestimate consistency. SEO works through compounded results. The more you publish, you increase your chances of ranking higher for certain keywords.

The other option is to hire an SEO service provider to do some or all of the work for you. They might handle the technical side and keyword research while you produce content.

In both cases, you’ll have a clear path to rank higher and see a return on investment.

Is SEO Important? Absolutely!

Are you still asking, “Is SEO important?”

Hopefully, you learned that SEO is a critical piece of your digital marketing strategy. People still look online for products and services. When your business is first in search results, you get a large number of clicks.

The importance of SEO cannot be understated. It’s affordable, increases trust, and gives users a better brand experience.

For more digital marketing tips, be sure to check out the home page of the blog.