The Complete Guide on How to Make Friends in College

Make Friends in College

Going to college means you can step out of the world you used to live in and embrace the real you in a whole new place, thriving with opportunities. A college is a place that can help you find your passions, and similar thinking people along the way to be friends with.

But the question of “how to make friends in college” is very relevant for a lot of people right now. And this may be especially true with the unprecedented forms of isolation we’ve been through over the last couple of years.

So to get you on the right track, we’ve put together some handy tips to make great friendships in college. In the end, having people join you on your journey of academic and personal growth is going to be a lot more fun than on your own! 

So, let’s get to it!

Explore Different Clubs

College offers you a clean slate when it comes to activities and interests. You may want to pursue interests that you already have, but you can also explore opportunities that you’ve never thought of before.

For instance, you may never have played chess before, but why not give it a go? The great thing about college is there will be many people at differing levels attending such clubs. 

Or if you’re wanting to go with a full-blown David Goggins (extreme athlete and ex-Navy Seal) mentality, why not join the rowing club? From the sort of training you do in rowing you can develop excellent mental and physical strength. And you’ll make new friends pretty quickly in such an environment where you rely on others to get the boat from A to B.

Then there are clubs where you’ll meet friends but also develop your career. For example, the Alpha Phi Sigma Society is perfect for anyone interested in criminal justice.

But whatever you fancy doing, make sure to get out of your room and start attending any of the clubs that your college offers. Yes, it might seem like you’re way out of your comfort zone signing up for something like salsa club, but you’ll soon settle in and have loads of fun.

Open Your Door Often

One of the easiest ways to make new college friends is to have them come to you. Many college dorms allow their students to have open doors so that they can develop a more friendly and communal-like environment. 

A solid tip if you’re going to do this is to make your room inviting. So get creative and make your space comfortable, clean, and somewhere where others would feel right at home. 

Also, if you have particular interests, be bold about them in the way you decorate your room. It doesn’t matter how obscure you might think your particular interest is, you’ll be surprised that someone may stop and compliment you on your decorative piece. See these decorations as signals to find the right people that you want to hang out with.

Try Volunteering

If you’re having a hard time trying to make friends, one way where you can find caring and open-minded people is through volunteering. Think of it as you’ll be helping others, and you’ll be getting paid in friendships!

When you volunteer, you already have the subject of volunteering to talk about with others right away. So if you’re a shy type, then volunteering can help you, but the focus isn’t directly on you all the time. Plus, you’ll have no pressure to perform in any way as you might in some club activities.

Share Your Love of Food

We all need to eat, and there may be some great places to eat around campus and further afield. So if you bump into someone as you’re heading to lunch, why not ask if they’d like to join you?

Or, while you’re checking out a busy place to eat, why not strike up some small talk conversation with someone about the food in the place? You might ask, “have you eaten here before, and if so, what’s the food like?”

Anyone else who is passionate about food will likely jump straight into conversation with you. You might share recommendations of places to eat. Then, before you know it, you’re meeting them tomorrow at someplace across town for pizzas.

Keep It Real

One big mistake you could make when going to college is not embracing your true self when making new friends. Although, this is easier said than done. 

Throughout our teenage years and through school, we have a particular identity that’s stuck with us for years. Now that you’ve moved to a whole new place where you don’t know anybody, you can pretty much reinvent yourself!

We don’t mean reinvent in the sense of faking it, but instead, you can express yourself in ways that you might never have done at home. After all, college is a place full of youth, energy, intelligence, and understanding of individual choice. 

But how can you do this in practice? Well here are a few college tips that you can follow to put you on the right track:

  • Stop people-pleasing
  • Forget about how others view you and your appearance
  • Read to learn more about your psychology
  • Be confident and proud of who you are
  • Be forgiving to yourself

These are just a few starting points that you can think about for college success. However, it may take you a while to learn who the real you are, and that’s what college is for. You have a journey of personal and academic discovery ahead of you, so enjoy it, as it will go quicker than you ever thought!

Proven Ways of How to Make New Friends in College

Now you have a few proven ways how to make new friends in college. But ultimately, it’s about exploration, finding your self-confidence, and developing alongside others. So focus on the things that mean the most to you, and good college friends should follow.

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