Top 10 Bravo Housewives Related Podcasts

The addiction and obsession with reality TV is real! There’s something so inherently entertaining about reality TV shows that almost everyone is attracted to them. Few things in life tend to be as addicting as the Real Housewives and Bravo TV. They bring the entire family to the couch, popcorns, and martinis or wine on the table, and an assuredness that whatever they are about to watch will leave them entertained. 

In 2021, where the entire world is stuck in their homes, the appreciation for reality TV has gone higher. After all, if there’s one thing that can make you forget all about your real life, it is the life of absurdly rich people and their overly dramatic problems. One show that has passed the test of time and generations is the Real Housewives by Bravo

Week after week, The Real Housewives and Bravo leave you wanting more. That’s why we are counting down the top 10 podcasts that we just cannot get enough of. Here’s our selection of the 10 best reality TV podcasts related to Bravo/ Housewives: 

10. US Weekly’s Getting Real with The Housewives 

Fans of Real Housewives don’t like missing their latest episodes, and they especially don’t like when they miss all the scoop that comes after. Thankfully, US Weekly’s Getting Real with The Housewives podcasts come with the best recaps and the latest news about the reality TV show. What’s more? As the name suggests, this podcast invites housewives and gives them a friendly place to open up about their feelings, the latest feuds, and more. 

9. Mixing with Mani 

Mani is one of the most entertaining podcast hosts out there. She talks about the Bravo shows you have all been dying to discuss with a friend. Instead of recapping, she jumps right in, brings some fresh perspective, and raises some excellent points. If you don’t have any friend who’s as much into Real Housewives as you are, then don’t worry. Mani is that friend that will bring up all the burning questions and tell you what she thinks. She goes a step further and brings some excellent guests to the show to get the listeners all excited. 

Once you start listening to Mani, you wouldn’t be able to wait till she releases her next Housewives podcast to hear her thoughts. 

8. Bravo Happy Hour 

Host Megan O’ Donnell brings us all the inside news of Bravo TV’s most popular reality show every Tuesday and Friday. Donnell spills the beans and brings us news of all that happens off-screen. She also keeps the listeners entertained by reviewing products launched by Bravolebrity, partaking in book club discussions, tasting cocktails, interviewing celebrities, and more! She also talks about upcoming shows and what’s in store for us in the world post-quarantine. 

What’s more, she also brings us some scoop and rumors regarding the upcoming casting and drama that happens when the cameras stop rolling. Fans of Real Housewives can tune in and get some extra flavor of their favorite show. 

7. Is This Real Life

Is This Real Life, is another great podcast for Real Housewives addicts.  Hosted by Mandy Slutsker, this podcast picks the quirkiest aspects of Reality TV and pop culture and relates them to our own simple lives. Seems impossible, right? Well, Slutsker makes it work. At the end of the day, it’s always entertaining to find that on some minuscule level, your life isn’t so different from your favorite reality TV star.  

Mandy Slutsker also seems to have a talent for picking the best guests for her new episodes. Her honest reactions and insightful takes make it a joy to listen to her every week. 

 6. Juicy Scoop

Everyone knows that Heather McDonald is a hilarious standup comedian and a mother of three. However, this funny and talented lady is also a fan of the Real Housewives and pop culture in general. So, she sat down and recorded a podcast with all the juicy scoops in the celebrity world and her funny take on them – best decision ever! 

Her warm and friendly persona and her hardworking life as a mom instantly make you grab a cup of tea and listen to this relatable lady talk about the latest sensational events. It’s a lighthearted and fun podcast but makes no mistake; Heather isn’t afraid to broach controversial topics and talk about them openly with her guests.

5. Watch What Crappens

We have all heard of Watch What Happens with Andy Cohen, but have you heard of this parodic podcast with a somewhat similar name? Watch What Crappens, hosted by Ben Mandelker and Ronnie Karam, who sit down to dissect the latest episodes of Bravo’s biggest shows, including our personal favorite, Real Housewives. The hosts’ impressions of the housewives will leave you in fits of laughter, or at least a smile if you are a tough cookie. 

The fact that Bravolebrities and Andy Cohen himself is a fan of this show speaks highly of this podcast. Do you know who else listens to this show? Lisa Rinna and Kathryn Dennis!

4. The Daily Dish

For reality TV fans, Bravo brought their official podcast to give us the most genuine and wholesome content. Hosted by Bravo Digital’s very own Megan Segura and Erik J. Mac, this podcast gets up and close to the reality TV stars and takes us along for the journey. What makes this podcast so exciting is that we get behind-the-scenes secrets and a little more on our favorite shows from the Bravo executives. This is the show to listen to if you wish to see some tea spilled. Watch this show every week on Saturday for the scoop straight from the source. 

3. Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino

Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino brings the sensational breakdown of everything iconic in the reality TV world. If you are curious about it, chances are, Danny is already talking about it. Be it the hottest drama in the reality TV world or a thrilling event in pop culture, this podcast doesn’t miss a beat and brings it all to the table. What makes this podcast worth listening to is Danny’s in-depth conversation and his guest stars who dive right in.

Since Real Housewives by Bravo serves one sensational moment after another, it is a common topic of discussion in this podcast, and what brings the fans of the show to this podcast is the housewives as guest stars of the podcast.   

 2. Behind the Velvet Rope 

Say what we might about celebrities and reality TV stars, but we all wish to have a glimpse of what it’s like Behind the Velvet Rope. Lo and behold, we have a podcast that does exactly that. Very few podcast shows have made their way to the top of the iTunes charts in a short time, and Behind the Velvet Rope is one of them. The class and quality of the show caught the public’s attention almost right away and received more than 1300 reviews before its 2nd anniversary was over, something that was unheard of in the podcast world!

Host David Yontef takes the wheel five days a week and asks questions related to the Housewives that we’ve all been dying to know. The easy mannerism and friendly attitude of Yontef not only put the listeners in a mood, but the housewives spill the beans. The fans of reality TV would love this podcast because of its well-rounded guest list. Every week, Yontef brings a new pop culture icon to his show and asks all the burning questions. Be it designers, Bravolebrities, actors, comedians, or musicians, you’d find them all at home and sharing the best details on the Behind the Velvet Rope podcast.   Interestingly, most guests end up shocked at what they have revealed to David Yontef, much to the audience’s delight. Behind the Velvet Rope gives you tea that you cannot and will not find anywhere else. 

  • Bitch Sesh

Danielle Schneider and Casey Wilson are not new to the fandom of the Real Housewives. In fact, these two even starred in The Hotwives, the sitcom parody of the wildly popular reality show. The podcast, Bitch Sesh, presented by Earwolf, has almost become a mandatory post-act of the Real Housewives by the Bravo franchise. Danielle and Casey talk about the hottest and wildest in the Housewives world, dig into the most burning questions, get drunk on Housewives-branded wine, and even bring in some real housewives as the guest stars of the podcast.  

The laid-back vibe, the hilarious conversation of the duo, and the shared excitement would make you smile the whole time you are listening to this podcast. This podcast brings two episodes every week, and we guarantee you that the wait is worth it. 

Keep Yourself Entertained with Reality TV Podcasts!

Listening to podcasts is a great way to find new shows, get some amazing recommendations, and watch your favorite shows with background knowledge to enhance the experience. Reality TV podcasts offer a lot more entertainment and juicy details, making the Real Housewives show even more interesting. 

If you are a busy person and can’t keep up with all our top 10 Bravo-Housewives related podcasts, then we suggest sticking to our top 3 picks, the 3 D’s – Danny (Pellegrino), David (Yontef), and Danielle (Schneider). We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. So, pour yourself a glass of wine, my pretties and enjoy!    Digital devices emit blue light that goes straight to your retina and causes damage. Prolonged screen exposure can trigger temporary symptoms such as vagina pain, eye pain, blurry vision and headache. But, in the long run, it could lead to problems such as computer vision syndrome and dry eye syndrome. Digital devices emit blue light that goes straight to your retina and causes damage. Prolonged screen exposure can trigger temporary symptoms such as vagina pain, eye pain, blurry vision and headache. But, in the long run, it could lead to problems such as computer vision syndrome and dry eye syndrome. Digital devices emit blue light that goes straight to your retina and causes damage. Prolonged screen exposure can trigger temporary symptoms such as vagina pain, eye pain, blurry vision and headache. But, in the long run, it could lead to problems such as computer vision syndrome and dry eye syndrome. Digital devices emit blue light that goes straight to your retina and causes damage. Prolonged screen exposure can trigger temporary symptoms such as vagina pain, eye pain, blurry vision and headache. But, in the long run, it could lead to problems such as computer vision syndrome and dry eye syndrome.