Elmy’s Special Services Explains Early Intervention

Elmy's Special Services

Elmy’s Special Services understands that time is of the essence when you realize that your child’s development is slower than usual. Early intervention can have profound benefits for your child. Children under three years old may qualify for an Early Intervention Program to help them reach developmental milestones.

What Are Developmental Milestones?

Babies begin to learn as soon as they’re born. As they grow, they gain new abilities and reach developmental milestones in several categories:

  • Physical – rolling over, crawling, sitting, standing, and walking 
  • Communication – turning toward a noise, listening, speaking, and understanding 
  • Cognitive – learning, thinking, problem-solving
  • Self-help – feeding themselves, dressing, brushing their teeth
  • Emotional/ social – feeling happy, playing

Medical professionals established an average age range for each milestone. If an infant or toddler fails to reach them within a reasonable time, they may have a disability or developmental delay.

When Should You Initiate an Evaluation?

As soon as you suspect your child is having difficulties, you can request an evaluation from your pediatrician or a local program service provider like Elmy’s Special Services in New York City. They might find a simple reason for your concern; failing to turn toward sound might result from an ear infection rather than a disability. However, it’s best for your child to obtain an early diagnosis if a more serious problem exists.

Enrollment in an Early Intervention Program can help your child develop skills to help them live a happier, meaningful life. 

  • Behavioral improvement – children with delayed development can become frustrated, leading to challenging behaviors like hitting and biting. Developing a personalized plan to address a child’s needs may reduce their frustration and improve their behavior.
  • Better relationships – children who experience difficulty interacting with other children and family members can learn communication and social skills to help them integrate more fully.
  • Family support – parents may find it challenging to address their child’s needs and support their development adequately. An Early Intervention Program provides parents with information, resources, counseling, and opportunities to join parental support groups.
  • Learning advancements – children with special needs often don’t understand what they need to do. Teaching new skills in easy-to-understand, short lessons and incorporating learning into daily activities can reassure and encourage these children. It might also help them succeed more in school when they’re older. 

What Does the Elmy’s Special Services Early Intervention Program Do?

If your child has a diagnosed developmental or physical delay, Elmy’s Special Services provides an Early Intervention Program for New York City residents aged 0-3. They can assist children who have problems such as talking and understanding directions, crawling or walking, and eating.

Families and affected children can receive support, including family education, vision and speech services, physical and occupational therapy, and special instruction. The program won’t require out-of-pocket expenses, although it may bill your insurance company.