Five Best Cryptocurrency Apps for Beginners

Cryptocurrency Apps

Experimenting with digital currency appears to be a thrilling adventure! You would like to try it! However, you are confused about which cryptocurrency apps are the easiest to handle and avoid Bitcoin scams. Peruse our recommendations about the best five. 


Coinbase is a highly trustworthy app. It has been around since 2012.

It is compatible with both, Android, and IOS. The user interface is very friendly. You should have no difficulty in handling it. In fact, the dashboard suffices to tackle all your commercial deals. 

Coinbase permits the usage of several cryptocurrencies. You may trade via Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin, USDT, etc. Use any of them for purchasing/selling/exchanging coins. 

Some coins also help you gain rewards. Coinbase Earn should serve as an efficient guide. Similarly, if your cryptocurrency account has a sufficient balance, you will earn interest. 

Since you would like something affordable at first, try Coinbase Pro.


If you are resident in the U.S., the Gemini app is a boon! It works in all 50 states of the U.S. Gemini has cryptocurrency exchanges everywhere. Therefore, you may go in for peer-to-peer trading. You may opt for crypto-to-crypto trading. 

The company took birth in 2014. Traders all over the world, trust it. It is because the security features are marvelous. Never has any hacker been able to meddle with it! Furthermore, the company offers insurance against breaches of privacy.

The app permits deals in numerous cryptocurrencies. It operates in alignment with Governmental regulations. Even those living outside the U.S. may use it comfortably. 

Easy-to-navigate, the user interface is a delight for newcomers! 


Handling this app, which came into being in 2017, is akin to child’s play! The mobile app resembles the web and desktop versions. 

The app works across diverse devices. Therefore, your user experience can only be memorable! Every bit of statistical data is easy to understand. So are all the essential graphs. Care has been taken to present them in comprehensible formats. 

WeBull grants you access to basic watch lists. These lists display the name, ticker, current price, price change, and daily chart. From there, you may move on to another platform. It outlines information and charts about digital currency stock, options, margins, etc.

The informative charts are designed to permit easy expansion and healthy visibility.

For security, opt for a two-step login. 


It was launched in 2007. You may use it for short-term trading deals. 

The risks for engaging in Forex trading and CFD (contract for differences) are very low, too. It is because stringent security measures are in place. The app has well-regulated jurisdictions in place. They are one tier-2 jurisdiction and two tier-1 jurisdictions.

Like all other mobile apps, eToro is also designed for the novice. Furthermore, you have access to free advice. The strategies that experienced investors use are on display. You should find them on an easy-to-use-and-copy trading platform. Peruse them, and use them to maximum advantage! When you become experienced, you may share your strategies too. The company will grant you good benefits for them!

Best of all, eToro is a multi-asset broker. It has links to 3,000+ symbols in the global marketplace.


Ever since its launch in 2017, BlockFi has gained a splendid reputation. Traders consider it to be extremely reliable and honest. Therefore, you may trust this app to look after your digital currencies well. 

Experts consider it akin to a bank that offers interest on a savings account. Here, BlockFi operates as a platform for borrowing and lending cryptocurrencies. It is like earning a passive income without any risks involved. Therefore, permit the cryptocurrency exchange to lend your money to others. In return, you will receive healthy monetary benefits. 

BlockFi does not demand a minimum balance in your account as a bank does. Whatever you gain as monthly interest via the lending activities, goes back into your original account. Therefore, you receive compound interest. The interest may range anywhere between 3% and 7.5%. Over time, your cryptocurrency holdings can only increase.

There are other advantages too. One involves obtaining a cash loan against your digital currencies. Another is the exchanging of one cryptocurrency for another. A third benefit is using a BlockFi credit card to spend in dollars. This will fetch you Bitcoin rewards.

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