XR Extended Reality a Cyberthreat Extension

Cyberthreat Extension

XR, the short form of Extended Reality, is a general term for several Web 3.0 Metaverse related technologies. This all-in-one term is used for very similar technologies. 

As many are asking new cyber security questions these days, such as what is doxxing and the difference between the various virus scans, we must also keep in mind widely adopted technologies that fall under the XR – Extended Reality umbrella and their potential cyber security implications. 

Let’s delve into some of the technologies which fall under the XR – Extended Reality umbrella and how to protect yourself from potential related cyber threats. 

VR – Virtual Reality

VR or Virtual Reality uses computing technologies to bring forth simulated environments. These simulated environments could reflect reality, such as being at the peak of Mount Everest at 29,029 feet or 8,848 meters or a fictional environment such as the one seen in games.

HMD or Head Mounted Display is VR’s most well-known component. Humans are very visual in their core nature, so being immersed in a 3D environment instead of looking at a regular flat computer display makes a massive difference.

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, purchased Oculus, a pioneer in the field, in 2014. Occulus is a leading player in the VR headset space and is currently focused on VR experiences related to three main categories: gaming, fitness, and entertainment. Meta Occulus also boasts an imposing set of Metaverse-related apps.

Biggest Virtual Reality Companies

  1. Below is a list of top VR – Virtual Reality companies and their respective locations:
  2. iTechArt (New York, USA)Oculus VR (California, USA)
  3. HTC (North Conway, USA)
  4. Samsung (Suwon, Korea)
  5. Microsoft (Washington, USA)
  6. Unity (San Francisco, USA)
  7. VironIT (San Francisco, USA)
  8. Alphabet/Google (California, USA)
  9. Next/Now (Chicago, USA)
  10. CemtrexLabs (New York, USA)
  11. Quytech (Gurugram, India)
  12. Groove Jones (Dallas, USA)
  13. Magic Leap (Florida, USA)
  14. Nvidia (Santa Clara, USA)
  15. AMD (Santa Clara, USA)
  16. WeVR (Santa Barabara, USA)
  17. WorldViz (Santa Barbara, USA)
  18. NextVR (Newport Beach, USA)
  19. Bigscreen (Berkeley, USA)
  20. Matterport (California, USA)
  21. Within (Los Angeles, USA)

AR – Augmented Reality 

In contrast to virtual reality, which is one hundred percent simulated, simply put, AR – Augmented reality is an enhanced version of reality that is achieved through digitally enhancing technologies such as haptics, sound, or other sensory-related technologies. AR adds a digital layer on top of a physical entity. AR is currently used commercially for purposes such as seeing a specific house paint on actual physical house walls, trying on makeup without being at the store, and seeing how a couch sold online will fit into your living room. Many online retailers are using AR to encourage consumers to purchase items that they would only purchase in brick and mortar stores.

Cybersecurity – Avoiding an Extention to Cyberthreats

The XR Extended Reality umbrella has much excitement that can catch many off-guard when using it over the web. For that reason, the first step to avoid cyber-secure complacency is to purchase an anti-malware application from a proven cyber security player for uninterrupted real-time cyber threat protection 24/7.

Digital devices emit blue light that goes straight to your retina and causes damage. Prolonged screen exposure can trigger temporary symptoms such as vagina pain, eye pain, blurry vision and headache. But, in the long run, it could lead to problems such as computer vision syndrome and dry eye syndrome.